Graduation Requirements

Degrees are awarded each semester and recognized annually in the Commencement ceremony held at the end of the spring semester.

To be qualified for graduation with an Associate or Nexus degree, candidates must meet the following requirements:

To be qualified for graduation with a Bachelor's degree, candidates must meet the following requirements:

Graduation with Honors

For graduation with honors a student must meet the minimum scholastic institutional grade point average requirement of 3.50. Students earning an institutional 3.50-3.69 GPA receive the designation cum laude; 3.70 to 3.89 receive the designation magna cum laude; students earning a 3.90-4.00 receive the designation summa cum laude. Grade point averages will not be rounded. The honors designation appears on the student’s diploma and transcript and remains on his/her permanent record.

Commencement Participation Policy

Graduates are encouraged to participate in the formal graduation exercises. The following criteria must be met in order to participate:

Students who will complete degree requirements the Summer immediately following the Spring semester in which Commencement is held may request to participate in commencement ceremonies on the following conditions:

No degree will be awarded until all degree requirements are satisfied. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not certify completion of the degree. Names of Summer graduates granted permission to participate in Spring Commencement will not appear in the Commencement program for the ceremony in which they participate and graduation with honors will not be determined for them until their degree is earned. Names will appear in the following year’s program.

Associate Degree You Deserve/Reverse Transfer

The Associate Degree You Deserve/Reverse Transfer program allows students who have earned a minimum of 18 hours in the degree at Georgia Highlands College to combine credits earned from all regionally accredited institutions and apply them toward an associate degree. Students do not have to be currently enrolled and there is no fee to petition for graduation. Visit GHC's website for more information and to complete the application.