The Consultation Period for the Carers Eligibility Criteria is now finished. Following the consultation, a report was prepared and submitted, along with the proposed Eligibility Criteria, to the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board on 24 January 2018. The report and Eligibility Criteria were approved at this meeting.
Previous Consultation text:
The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 comes into effect in May 2018. As part of this Act, we are required to set out an Eligibility Criteria for people accessing Carers Support.
Glasgow Carers Partnership has been operating a prioritisation system over the last 5 years. An Annual Report on the Glasgow Carers Partnership evidences that of the 11,000+ carers supported since 2011, 70% were receiving early intervention and preventative supports from the carers centres.
We are looking for your views on the proposed Eligibility Criteria which is based on the Glasgow Carers Partnership system.
We are undertaking a wide range of consultation events with carers groups and forums, Third sector carer centres and condition specific organisations. If you are a carer or know someone who is a carer, could we ask that you take time to review the proposed Eligibility Framework and complete the survey.
Background to the Consultation
The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 requires us to set an eligibility criteria for access to Carers Support. Glasgow Carers Partnership has been operating a prioritisation system which has been developed and refined over the last 5 years in partnership with Third sector carer organisations and Carers through the Carers Reference Group.
We are consulting on the suitability of whether the existing process is fit for purpose. The Glasgow Carers Partnership Annual Report evidences that of the 11,000+ carers supported since 2011, 70% were receiving early intervention and preventative supports from the Carers Centres. The 30% identified as critical or substantial received support from social work Carer teams and referred on to Carers Centres for further supports. As such we are confident that Glasgow’s current eligibility criteria is consistent with the directions set out in the Scottish Government’s Carer Act Eligibility Criteria Guidance.
The purpose of this consultation is to gather your views on the proposal that the Glasgow Carers Partnership current carer prioritisation system is fit for purpose in line with Carer Act 2016 as outlined in the guidance issued from Scottish Government. A range of consultation events are underway with carers groups and forums, Third sector carer centres and condition specific organisations. A summary of the responses to the consultation will be reflected in a paper to the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board (IJB) in January 2018, when the IJB will be asked to consider if the proposed Eligibility Framework will ensure fair access to carer services in the city.