The Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 adopts the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) in Victoria, which establishes a national scheme for facilitating and regulating the road use of heavy vehicles, over 4.5 tonnes vehicle mass or aggregate trailer mass.
This page provides general information and shouldn't be considered legal advice. Seek legal advice if you're unsure about your legal rights. Be aware that the law can change.
On this page, we refer to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator as the 'Regulator', who is the statutory authority established to administer the HVNL.
VCAT can hear applications under section 565 of the HVNL by the owner of a thing or sample, or by a person who has a registered interest in the thing or sample:
VCAT can hear applications relating to appeals under Chapter 11 of the HVNL including:
Sections 565, 642, 647 and 648 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law and sections 15 and 26 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 which declares VCAT as the relevant tribunal for this jurisdiction.
If you have a document from the Regulator, use it to help you complete the VCAT application form and attach a copy of the document to your application.
You must ask permission from VCAT to apply under section 565 of the HVNL, if it has been six months since the thing or sample became the property of the Regulator.
You must appeal under section 647 of the HVNL within 28 days of:
If you apply outside of the time limit, VCAT may extend the time for making an application. You must ask for an extension of time by indicating this on the ‘extension of time’ question of the application form and briefly explaining why your application was late.
Upon an application under section 565, VCAT may make an order:
Upon appeal of a review decision, VCAT must make one of the following orders:
We can explain the application process and what the form is asking you for. Contact us to get support.
We can't give you legal advice. This means we can't tell you what to write in your application or recommend how to get the outcome you want.
Seek legal help if you're unsure about your options or need advice about your claim.